Curtiss Howard

Multi-document YAML Files and the Ansible k8s Module


I've been using Ansible to provision a Kubernetes cluster and I've found one major problem with the k8s module: it has, until recently, had a complete inability to handle the sort of multi-document YAML files that are typical of how lots of Kubernetes software is distributed (the other being Helm charts).

In the past I've had to resort to using the command module to invoke kubectl after having first downloaded the manifest file. So when I saw that Ansible 2.7 would add a from_yaml_all filter to handle these documents, I was excited to update my roles to use the k8s module.

Not Quite as Advertised

Based on the GitHub comment I had seen, I figured it would be rather easy to update my existing role to install cert-manager‘s custom resource definitions via the k8s module:

- name: install cert-manager custom resource definitions
    definition: "{{lookup('url','<CRD URL>') | from_yaml_all | list}}"
  delegate_to: localhost

Ansible didn't care much for this approach:

fatal: [XXX -> localhost]: FAILED! => {<SNIP...> "module_stderr": "<SNIP...> yaml.parser.ParserError: while parsing a block node\nexpected the node content, but found ','\n  in \"<unicode string>\", line 1, column 1:\n    ,---,apiVersion: apiextensions.k ... \n    ^\n"}

It took a bit of searching to figure out what Ansible was complaining about, and it turns out that by default the url plugin will return the data fetched from the URL as one giant, comma-separated string. Fine, it should be simple enough to fix this by setting the split_lines parameter to false:

- name: install cert-manager custom resource definitions
    definition: "{{lookup('url','<CRD URL>', split_lines=false) | from_yaml_all | list}}"
  delegate_to: localhost

Getting a little further now – this fails in the k8s module instead of the YAML parser:

fatal: [XXX -> localhost]: FAILED! => {<SNIP...> "module_stderr": "<SNIP...> in execute_module\nAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'\n"}

After some debugging, it turned out that the list of YAML documents that had been parsed contained some None and null values. But why? The file seemed perfectly well-formed. After a couple rounds of “take things out of the file until it stops failing,” I narrowed it down to (as an example) this part of the file:



That's two YAML document separators with a blank line in between. I'm sure the author intended this as a simple way to more clearly break up the documents in the file and by all accounts a sane YAML parser (like the one kubectl uses) would treat this as a single document separator. As far as I can tell though, the Python YAML parser interprets the content between the two separators as an empty document, assigning it a None value (and sometimes null, for reasons I can't explain).

That explains why the k8s module was being fed bad values, so how can we get rid of them? Fortunately, Ansible has a difference filter that can be used to take the difference of two lists. I created a simple list containing None and null:

  - None
  - null

…and then I tacked the difference filter onto the end of my lookup, in turn filtering out all the None and null values:

- name: install cert-manager custom resource definitions
    definition: "{{lookup('url','<CRD URL>', split_lines=false) | from_yaml_all | list | difference(empty_list)}}"
  delegate_to: localhost

At last, I finally had something that worked, and indeed this seems like the magic incantation you need if you want to use the k8s module with the kind of YAML files that are found in the wild.

ansible kubernetes